Download for Registered Users
With this download, we offer installation packages depending on the customer situation. The installation packages are signed by an international certification authority (CA) for your security.
Our customers get free updates here. What has changed compared to the previous versions, we describe in our Release Notes.
You can find out your nimbu version by clicking on the question mark in the top right corner of the nimbu tab bar. With a new nimbu version all older session files can be loaded. Also all settings will be kept.
Download for registered users.
You can find out your nimbu version by clicking on the question mark in the top right corner of the nimbu tab bar. With a new nimbu version all older session files can be loaded. Also all settings will be kept.
Download for registered users.
We support You during Installation and Application
nimbu is music in all its diversity. With many connection options. That's why we support you even as a Trial Edition user with questions about installation and questions about music. Until you no longer need us, which will soon be the case.
nimbu - that's software with support. Experience it yourself !
nimbu - that's software with support. Experience it yourself !
Help in Case of Problems
First of all, you should take a look at the context-sensitive help. If our help is unclear, we would appreciate a hint from you. Please do not hesitate for a second and just write us an email. We are standby on working days from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 local time and will be happy to help you.
Manual and Help
For each tab and window you are in, there is detailed context-sensitive help. The nimbu manual and help contain numerous hints on what to do in which situations. In addition to a detailed introduction to the concept, installation instructions and a description of how to set up nimbu on your PC, there is also a chapter on problems and how to solve them. This high-quality documentation is consistently developed and updated with every download.